Some Safety Guidelines Regarding the Use of Herbs

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

This information is taken from The Botanical Safety Handbook. Prepared by some of the most knowledgeable people in the herbal industry today, this work was created to assure safe access to information of a wide range of herbs and herbal products. This comprehensive compilation of data for botanical ingredients is now available in a useful format to both laypersons and the general public (237 pages hardback, covers approximately 600 herbs).

Botanical Safety Handbook

Specific Guidelines
Agar agar should be ingested only with adequate liquid. Not for use by persons with bowel obstruction.
Agnuscastus is not to be used during pregnancy
Alfalfa products not recommended for use by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Aloe should not be used if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain. ifyou are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
Angelica is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons taking blood thinning agents. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Arnica is for external use only May cause allergic dermatitis with extended use or in sensitive persons.
Arthritis Tea (Devils Claw) not recommended for use by persons with ulcers.
Ashwangandha not to be used during pregnancy
Barberry not to be used during pregnancy
Black Cohosh not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Black Walnut not recommended for long term use.
Bladderwrack is not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing, or by persons with hyperthyroidism.
Blessed Thistle is not to be used during pregnancy
Blood Root is not to be used during pregnancy
Blue Cohosh is not to be used during pregnancy
Boldo is not to be used by persons with gallstones, serious liver conditions or obstruction of the bile duct.
Borage is not recommended for long term use. Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Broom is not for use by persons taking MAO inhibitors or with high blood pressure.
Buchu is not to be used during pregnancy
Buckthorn should not be used if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain. Consult your physician. lfyou are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult you physician before using this product.
Calamus is not recommenrird for internal use.
Canada Snakeroot should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use. Not to be used during pregnancy
Cascara should not be used if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools, or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. lf you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
Catnip is not to be used during pregnancy
Roman Chamomile is not to be used during pregnancy
Chapparal is not for use in large amounts by persons with pre-existing kidney disease and liver conditions, such as hepatitis and cirrhosis.

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Coltsfoot should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use. Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Comfrey is for external use only This herb should not be used on abraded skin and should not be used an unbroken skin for pro-longed periods. Not to be used during pregnancy
Coptis is not to be used during pregnancy
Cornflowers are not to be used during pregnancy.
Cramp bark is not recommended for use by persons with ulcers.
Culvers Root is not to be used during pregnancy
Dong quai is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Dyers broom is not to be used during pregnancy
Elecampane is not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Eucalyptus is not to be used by persons with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal and bile ducts and severe diseases of the liver.
Euphorbia Herb may cause nausea and vomiting. Notice.' Emetic.
Gentian is not to be used by persons with ulcers or when stomach irritation or inflamation is present.
Goldenrod: Persons with chronic kidney disorder whould consult a health care practitioner before use.
Golden Seal should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use. Not to be used during pregnancy
Guar should only be ingested with adequate liquid. Not for use by persons with bowel obstruction.
Helonious Root is not to be used during pregnancy
Hemlock Bark is not to be used during pregnancy
Honey - Not to be used for infant consumption until after one year of age.
Hops are not recommended for use by persons suffering from depression.
Horehound is not to be used during pregnancy
Hydrangea should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use.
Juniper Berries are not to be used for more than six weeks in succession. Persons with inflamatory kidney disease should not use this herb. Not to be used during pregnancy
Lemon grass is not to be used during pregnancy
Licorice is not for prolonged use except under the supervision ofa qualified health practitioner Prolonged use may cause hyper-tension, edema, headache, vertigo and potassium depletion. Not for use by persons with hypertension, hypokalemia, edema, cirrhosis ofthe liver and cholestoatic liver disorders, and diabetes. Not to be used during pregnancy
Lobelia may cause nausea and vomiting ifingested. Not to be used during pregnancy
Lovage is not recommended for use by persons taking blood thinning agents. This product may cause a skin rash. Discontinue use if a rash occurs.
Lycii berries are not to be used during pregnancy
Mace in large quantities may cause dizziness, stomach pains, rapid pulse, nausea, anxiety, liver pain, double vision and coma.
Maiden hair fern is not to be used during pregnancy Large doses may act as an emetic.
Mandrake is to be used only under the supervision ofan expert uah.~ed in the appropriate use of this substance.
Milkweed is not to be used during pregnancy Large doses may act as an emetic.
Mistletoe is not for use by persons with protein hypersensitivity and chronic-progressive infections such as tuberculosis and
Motherwort is not to be used during pregnancy
Mulberry twig slices are not recommended for use by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Mugwort is not to be used during pregnancy
Myrrh in not to be used during pregnancy
Nutmegs in large amounts may cause dizziness, stomach pains, rapid pulse, nausea, anxiety liver pain, double vision and coma.
Oregon grape root is not to be used during pregnancy
Parsley root is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons with inflamatory kidney disease.
Peach bark and leaf is not to be used during pregnancy
Pennyroyal is not to be used during pregnancy
Periwinkle is not for use by persons with low blood pressure or hypo tension.
Pleurisy is not to be used during pregnancy
Poke root is to be used only under the supervision ofan expert qualihedin the appropriate use ofthis substance.
Prickly ash bark is not to be used during pregnancy
Psyllium should only be ingested with adequate liquid. Not for use by persons with bowel obstruction.
Quassia is not to be used during pregnancy
Queen of the Meadow should be used with caution. Not to be used during pregnancy or while nursing.
Red Clover is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons tak-mg blood thinning agents.
Rehmannia Root is not for use by persons with diarrhea and indigestion.
Rhubarb Root should not be used if you have or develop diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you hove frequent diarrhea. If you are pregnant; nursing, taking medication or hove a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
Rue is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Safflower is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons with hemorrhagic diseases or peptic ulcers. Ingestion ofthis herb may prolong blood coagulation time.
Sarsaparilla Root, Indian is not recommended for use by per-sons taking blood thinning agents.
Sassafrass Root should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use.
Scarlet pimpernel is to be used only under the supervision ofan expert quahhed in the appropriate use of this substance.
Senega snake root is not for use by persons with gas tritis or ulcers.
Senna should not be used ifyou have diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain. Consult your physician if you have frequent diarrhea. lfyou are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.
Sheep sorrel is not recommended for use by persons with a his-tory ofkidney stones.
Shepards purse is not to be used during pregnancy or by persons with a history ofkidney stones.
Stevia is only for use as a dietary supplement.
Stillingia Root is not to be used during pregnancy or while nurs-lag.
Tansy is not to be used during pregnancy
Tonka beans are only for use as an aromatic hxitive in potpourris or other crafts. Not for internal use
Tree Peony is not to be used during pregnancy .
Uva Ursi Leaf is not to be used during pregnancy contraindicat-ed in kidney disorders, not for prolonged use without consulting a practitioner
Blue Vervain is not to be used during pregnancy
Vervain is only to be used as a flavoring agent in alcoholic bever-ages.
Vetiver is not to be used during pregnancy
White oak bark should not be applied to extensively damaged skin.
White Pine Bark is only to be used as a flavoring agent in alcoholic beverages.
Wild Cherry Bark should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use.
Woodruff is not recommended for use by persons taking blood thinning agents.
Wormwood should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use. Not to be used during pregnancy
Wormwood combination blend should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use. Not to be used during preg-nancy
Yarrow is not to be used during pregnancy
Yellow dock root is not recommended for use by persons with a history ofkidney stones.
Yohimbe bark is contra indicated in existing liver and kidney dis-eases and in chronic inflammation of the sexual organs or prostate gland. Not recommended for excessive or long term use; may potentiate pharmaceutical MAO-inhibitors

Regarding Absolutes, Distillate Waters and Essential Oils:
Essential Oils should be used with care in small amounts. Some oils may cause skin irritation.
We do not recommend the internal use of any oils as some are toxic if taken in excess. Keep out of reach of children.

Absolute: A solvent extract of fragrant materials from botanicals, producing an alcohol-soluable liquid or semi liquid oil. Common solvents include, among others, alcohol & hexane, which are then removed.

Distillate Water: Otherwise known as floral water or hydrosol, the by- product of steam distillation.

Essential Oil: Volatile oils, typically fragrant, which are extracted from botanicals using steam distillation. Essential oils are normally liquid, but in some cases, such as Anise, may be solid depending on temperature. For commercial purposes expressed oils such as orange are identified as essential oils, while technically they are not.

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